Sunday, February 21, 2010

Open House Designs

A good way to get potential buyers interested in your home is to have an open house. Of course, you have to make sure they know about it.

Looking Good

There is one mandatory step that must occur before holding an open house viewing. The property needs to be spruced up so it shows well. This probably should have been taken care of before the property was put on the market, but review that aspect of things before attempting an open house.

Getting The Word Out

To have a successful open house, you need a good promotional effort. Potential buyers need to know you are holding an open house, when and how to get there. How do you get the word out? How about trying several of the following ideas…

1) Put a classified ad in the newspaper.

2) Post flyers (with permission) in nearby businesses, churches, schools.

3) Post signs similar to “yard sale” signs in your neighborhood.

4) Put a sign in front of your property saying “OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY – 10-4” and tie helium filled balloons to it. (On Saturday, add a sign saying “OPEN TODAY” with more balloons.)

5) Add info about your open house anywhere your home is advertised for sale on the Internet.


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