Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Pop Designs

You have a new baby, oh what wonder and joy this little guy or gal is, however, you have not had a good night’s sleep since being home with this wonderful little creature. Don’t give up. You can help your new baby sleep all night, every night. And remember, you are certainly not alone. Sleepless nights are something common for most new parents.

Newborn babies often sleep 16 or more hours per day. Their sleep time, however, is often done in stretches of just one to two hours at a time. As your baby’s nervous system matures a more consistent sleep schedule emerges and he or she can go longer between feedings.

By the time your new baby reaches three months of age he or she will probably be sleeping for as long as five hours during the night. At six months of age, nighttime stretches of nine to 12 hours are most likely.

Look over the following tips to help your baby become a good sleeper:

• Encourage activity during the day: During the waking hours with your baby keep him or her busy by talking, singing and playing. Provide your baby with lots of light. This type of stimulation during the day can help promote better sleep at night.

• Monitor your baby’s naps: Allow your baby regular naps during the day and not large chunks of time that may cause your baby to stay wide awake at night.

• Follow a consistent bedtime routine: If you bath, cuddle, sing or read to your baby just before bedtime he or she will soon associate these activities with sleep.


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